Every once in a while a product comes along that just blows away all your expectations. Today Blackhole Motorsports presents you with a review of one such product, ECCI's Trackstar 6000 GTS Wheel and Pedal System. The Trackstar 6000 represents ECCI's return to the consumer market.
ECCI's background goes back almost a decade now. Started by two friends who wanted something better than anything on the market one day decided to build a wheel and pedal set that would last. This partnership led to Extreme Competition Controls Inc. In leu of a more in-depth background of ECCI, Blackhole Motorsports will present you with an interview with the creators of these beautiful pieces of art work in the future!
Package Contents
The Trackstar 6000 was shipped in three boxes that where packed extremely well. Total weight of the system is in the neighborhood of 60lbs with the steering unit weighing in at almost 30lbs so remember to bend with your knees when lifting the largest box containing the wheel unit.
The Trackstar 6000 is shipped in a broken down form to reduce the size of the boxes required to ship the unit. The parts are broken down into the following: Grant Steering Wheel, Paddle Shifter Unit, Wheel Unit, Securing Clamp, Pedals, and the Pedal Base.
If I have one major complaint about this unit it is the assembly that is required; however, ECCI provides the tools and excellent documentation on assembling your unit. But look to spend an hour to an hour and a half assembling your unit. You may also want to ask a friend (or a loved one, if you still have one after spending $1099 US) to help hold the pedals in place while you attach them to the pedal base unit.
The Trackstar 6000 has many features that you will not see anywhere else including:
- All Steel Construction
- 13 1/2 Inch Grant Steering Wheel
- Fluid Dampening System
- Monopoint II Cam
- Solid Steel Paddle Shifters
- Hi-Definition Potentiometers
- USB and Game Port connections
- Additional Connections for Additional Buttons or Shifter
- Secure Desk Clamp
- Fully Adjustable Wheel and Pedal Placement
- Progressive Modulated Brake Pedal
- Optional Clutch Pedal
- Pedals Mounted Horizontally or Vertically