The behavior of the suspension is responsible for the proper behavior of the whole body of the car. The car in Xpand Rally has all elements of the suspension that real rally cars have. All elements are separately simulated and their work depends directly or indirectly on the shape of the surface. Wheels are joined with the body of the car through springs and dampers whose parameters can be controlled by the player which thus can change the behavior of the car.
Also the simulation of the elasticity of the tyres in Xpand Rally has the impact on the behavior of the suspension as the tyres are the first elements that absorb the unevenness of the roads.
Each surface has different friction parameters which together with various tyres differentiates the behavior of the car. Additionally the traction is changed by the weather which can drastically change the suitability of some tyres for a surface. To correctly simulate the diversity of the conditions during rally races there are almost 50 surface types and 20 tyres types in the game which results in very accurate representation of the reality. Additionally in the game the weather can change during a race and change the parameters of the friction of surfaces. This increases the realism of the game and decides about how important it is to make good decisions between a race.
To adequately simulate the contact between a tyre and a surface the game separately computes lateral and longitudinal friction. It allows to diversify the behavior of a tyre during a side slip e.g. between tarmac and gravel (on gravel the tyre cuts into the ground) and consider the influence of the tread.
In the game a multipoint friction model has been used. This means that every wheel independently contacts the ground and for each wheel forces affecting the car are computed independently. Additionally when the body of the car collides with objects of the environment forces of friction appear at the point of the contact similarly to the tyre-surface contact. Thus the behavior of the vehicle is an ideal replication of the reality.