Invictus had announced Cross Racing Championship a month ago to be their next off-road game. There have only been very short pieces of information shared with the gamers community so we looked for Tamás Kozák, leader manager of the team if he would be so kind to answer some questions.
SG: Where the name; Crsoss Racing Championship is from (CRC)?
Invictus: Earlier nema eof the game was Cross Racing in development but before the announcement of it we changed it to Cross Racing Championship since the game includes a nice, big championship.
SG: The Street Legal serie was well noted for its hunger for resources. How much were you able to bridle the engine since then?
Invictus: The game will show a decent continuous framerate on a 1 GHz AMD/Intel processor and a Gef2/Radeon 8500 that means about 25 FPS. Just a piquancy, there is a machine in the studio of 3 GHz Pentium 4 on which the game produces a 120 FPS.
SG: What is the average configuration for the game to run in an enjoyable speed?
Invictus: The recommended configuration is an over 1GHz processor and a machine with a Gef3 or Radeon 9200 card or better.
SG: The previous versions of the engine (SL, SLRR) were notoriuos for their processor usage. Will this new engine use more the videocard so they would have to sweat beside the processor?
Invictus: The game was tested with both a high-end processor and lower card and the other way around but will use and need both the card and processor since it will use all features provided by DirectX9. There will be dynamic reflection, so the actual surrounding will be visible on chassis-reflection. There will also be Motion Blur, Noise, HDR (High Dynamic Range) and many other effect. There will be waving bed of water and bone-structured animation.
SG: Will there be dirt? Will the windshield get dirty? Will damage and dirt be visible from inside the cockpit?
Invictus: Yes, there will be wearing away of painting and dirt on the vehicle and even inside view but the windshild will not get dirty itself although you will be able to break it.
SG: Earlier games of yours didnt much like ATI but since then we can see you being in a partnership with them. Can cardowners be happy about this?
Invictus: Previous versions were problematic rather because of driver support. The CRC will function perfectly with the newest drivers of ATI.
SG: On your homepage you published some catching pieces of information about the engine of the game. One grabbed my attention in particular: "2, 4-16 wheel-drive vehicle support". How much will this be used in CRC?
Invictus: Only four-wheel vehicles will be implemented in the game but there will be a development kit (DevKIT) published in which players and users will be able to make their own even 16-wheel cars.
SG: The game is considered being the child of 1nsane and Street Legal. How much of a correct statement is this?
Invictus: It is closer to 1nsane than to Street Legal as tuning is much simpler than in the latter. In CRC things will be adjustable via slidebars so there still will be a lot of options to a car.
SG: A simple but rather important question is how would you characterize the genre of the game in one sentence?
Invictus: From off-road race through multi-wheel-drive rally to circuit-racing everything.
SG: It is clear that many features were moved from 1nsane to CRC as this is going to be somewhat an off-road racing game as well. Is there any feature moved from Street Legal into CRC?
Invictus: It is the crashing engine primarily, but not only by moving, also improving that still takes place.