BHMS: What kind of AI Drivers can we expect to see? Will the AI cars possess the same physics as the players' car? Will they also cause havoc amongst the other AI drivers or only the players' car? Will there be some type of aggression adjustment as well as the skill level of the AI drivers?
BugBear: Yes, yes, and yes! With AI were shooting for an aggressive personal driving style. Not only is the AI aggressive, but it's also going to keep in mind if you slam into it and try and return the favor! We're right now looking into things like instead of making a regular "strings attached" handicap we'd like to balance the game in a manner that the AI will start to make more mistakes if it's leading "too much". This somehow makes the AI way more personal as you can see that it's not perfect either.
BHMS: How many different car views will be in Flat Out? ( Bumper Cam, Roof Cam, Cockpit Cam, Case Cam... etc. ) Will we have the ability to disable the steering wheel in the in-car view?
BugBear: Um. Err. As I said this the cams and replay are still work in progress status so I don't want to say anything that might still change.
BHMS: What different models of cars will be in FlatOut? Are there trucks or other unique vehicles? Will there be a garage or a salvage yard to rebuild or upgrade the players' car? Is there a career mode with structured events where a driver can earn money for car upgrades?
BugBear: The cars are a blend of European and American styles. They range from small cute to big and very exceedingly powerful. No bikes or trucks as that wouldn't really fit the design. Yes, there's a garage for tuning, upgrades and repairs. The basic game play consists from the career mode and minigames. The player can always access anyone of these options to earn more money for upgrades or buying new cars.
BHMS: What kind of adjustments will be available in the setup menu and will there be the ability to share setups with other players without the need for an import utility?
BugBear: Again this kind of stuff is still at work in progress status and I don't want to comment just in case something might change before going gold.
BHMS: Tell us what the capacity of players in Multiplayer Mode will be? Will there also be dedicated servers provided so people can race Flat Out online soon after the release?
BugBear: Multiplayer is up to 8 people on PC and Xbox Live! With PS2 we support split screen up to 4 people. And trust me, this really is a multiplayer game! We're seeing this at the office when we play against each other. The damage modeling and dynamic environments makes racing a completely new and really personal experience. Given that FlatOut plays out as very aggressive and violent racing game it is way more emotional than what you'd expect. In multiplayer it is so easy to get upset about someone who just pushed you off the road or through the fences that you might easily miss the best lap times just because you're hunting someone with a vengeance. It's a lot of fun too!
There will also be new kind of multiplayer modes where we get to experiment a bit with the physics, but we need to keep something secret for now. :
BHMS: In Rally Trophy it seemed to take many steps to get from the start of the game to the actual race. Will Flat Out have a quick race or quick start feature?
BugBear: Yes. We're shooting for a fun game first and foremost. Don't get me wrong though, when I say fun I don't mean kids. FlatOut is certainly a game for a bit more mature gamers.
BHMS: Will Flat Out accept multiple controllers, split axis controllers, native support for the Act-Labs RS Shifter and a working clutch?
BugBear: We'll disclose the detailed feature set later on, okay?
BHMS: Will there be support for Multiple Monitors via the Matrox 3 screen card?
BugBear: See #13.
BHMS: Name some of the key elements that you feel will make Flat Out more than just another racing game.
BugBear: We're still holding back on some of the key features, but for now let's settle with damage modeling and dynamic environments. Again, FlatOut is the first racing title ever that actually takes these features and turns them into game play elements! When you're playing the game that's going to be a very different experience compared to any racing titles so far.
BHMS: Will we see a pre-release demo of Flat Out?
BugBear: Yes. Absolutely.