Title: Nascar Heat
Developer: MGI
Publisher: Hasbro
Released: September 2000

Demo: Yes [44 MB]
Simulated Series: Nascar
Articles: Review
Official Website

DOWNLOADS >> Nascar Heat >> Carsets

2000 IROC carset *512* 02-08-2001
You must have the patched version of Heat to use this carset. It is highly recommended that you backup your drivers.txt, paint.res and paint256.res before installing this set.
Also, make sure you have the game set to run directly off of the hardrive. One more thing, if you have a problem with whit...
Developer: Head Hunter Size: 6.6 MB Downloaded: 2140 Rating: 7.44 Comments: 0
2000 IROC carset *256* 02-08-2001
You must have the patched version of Heat to use this carset. It is highly recommended that you backup your drivers.txt, paint.res and paint256.res before installing this set.
Also, make sure you have the game set to run directly off of the hardrive. One more thing, if you have a problem with whit...
Developer: Head Hunter Size: 3.8 MB Downloaded: 841 Rating: n/a Comments: 0
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